
IDEA: Collaborative Tarot

Amber O'Hara and I have been talking of doing a collaborative piece/project for awhile now. Amber is really into Tarot and other forms of spirituality and since we live together we influence each other. Thus I have been introduced to Tarot. In the classic Rider-Waite deck each card is chock full of symbolism. The main aspect of Tarot is not fortune telling but communication with the subconscious through symbolism and meditation. The cards are supposed to help you realize what you already know.

Over Thanksgiving I was at the Farm and found an old book Dogma and Morals of the Freemasons it was published in 1919. Freemasonry is wrought full of symbolism and code which is meant to make sense only to those who know what the symbols mean, however, the more I read the more I became aware that numerous symbols of the freemasons were present on the Tarot Cards of the classic Rider-Waite deck. I chose some cards^^^whith which incorporate strong symbolism. Dogma and Morals
was hard to read and understand because symbolism is used as a code which I am still investigating.

I wonder if there is a code within the Tarot ?

Amber and I were standing beneath the Carillon in Byrd Park and was looking up. I was reminded of The TOWER card and thought we should create our own Tarot Deck. There are hundreds of different versions of artistic Tarot decks. I had been thinking of making a photographic based Tarot, but with 78 cards it would be too much. I figure Amber and I could divide and conquer to create a Tarot deck using photography, collage, painting, drawing, etc to create our own Tarot that we could maybe one day publish and sell. Who knows? an IDEA.

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