

I love stories. I love telling stories. The stories that aren't anything too special, but mean something to the storyteller. I want to collect these stories and create photos that tell those stories. The photo above is a picture of my older sister Val. We are standing on an ovrlook of the Tye River hitting the James( the James is down below us and you can't see it) the little hamlet is Norwood, VA.
Val lived down there in Norwood and as we stood there she pointed out and told me all the little stories that happened down there. For instance, she lived in a trailer on Mr. Perdue's property right by the river. She got married in the orchard. She used to take her two daughters and kayak right to the spot below where her youngest daughter first learned to swim. It was in Mr. Perdue's garden that a carolina dog showed up and adopted Val as its owner. If you look carefully you can see the Priest elev. 4oooft rising in the background and that is where the Tye river starts and flows all the way down to hit the James river 300 ft below where I took the picture.
So many little stories all within this one photograph yet no one would ever know...

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