
ARTIST: Eleanor Wood

Eleanor Wood is a young artist whom I am having trouble finding information about on the net. She is in her mid-twenties and creates collages inspired by dreams. She is currently in Brighton, UK. She has a blog which she doesn't keep up with-I assume she is too busy making art to keep up with her blog www.jolly-good-show.blogspot.com
Arlie found this artist for me and despite the lack of info I can find I really enjoy her works. Wood's work is simple yet it resonates and I love how she incorporates the sleeping dreamer into her works. Wood's imagery is almost cliche with the dreamer and then the dream cloud, but they work and speak about more than dreams-for me I think they become psychic manifestations of thought rather than just dreams. Also each piece has a circular object or shape which I believe refrences the moon or another celestial body and I believe that to be important since I do the same thing-being incorporating the heavens into the dreamworks

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