
Artist: Maurizio Anzeri

Anzeri is most known for his "Human Hair" sculptures, but I am showing his embroidered photographs. Anzeri is an native of Italy who now lives and works in London. From 1996-99, Anzeri attended the London Institute-Camberwell College of Art awarded a BA(Honors) in Graphic Design and Sculpture then from 2002-2005 he attended the Slade School of Fine Art-London being awarded a MA of Fine Arts-Sculpture.

I chose to write about Anzeri's embroidered photographs because a friend, Arlie, recommended I look at these after she saw the photographs I was making of old family portraits where I purposefully was placing the reflection of my flash on the glass upon the faces in the photographs-my images reminded her of Anzeri's works.

They are hauntingly delicate and beautiful artworks. I am reminded of mysticism, psychic powers, and the aura that surrounds people. I am reminded of masks and how we as people masquerade our true identities behind "projections" of who we think we are or who we want others to perceive us to be-how we hide our true identities behind masks in order to protect ourselves. They appear at first glance to be creepy and alot of reviews online have a similar opinion, but I do not believe them to be creepy because the vivid colors and patterns suggest otherwise. Embroidery is a delicate meditative process employed by Grandma's everywhere, so how can these artworks be creepy? I think that it is because as people we psychologically look at faces in order to connect with each other or communicate and the fact that the faces are "masked" by embroidery it creeps some people out. I think Anzeri is commenting on obscure knowledge and perhaps the powers of the subconscious mind suggesting that the subjects in the antiquated portraits psychically manifested the embroidery upon their own faces and that Anzeri's hand was possessed by the souls captured within the photographic image to produce these magical designs in accord with the personality of the portrait.

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