
Idea: James Branch Cabell-Special Collections room at the VCU Library

For my Va Hist class we attended a lecture at the special collections room at the Cabell Library. They have a whole special collections of historic documents, maps, books, memoribilia, and even artifacts etc from the history of Richmond and Virginia. They even had an entire "period" room dedicated to author James Branch Cabell, a local of Richmond, and whom the VCU Library is dedicated and named after. The room is a "period" library containing the entire personal library of J. B. Cabell, which include many literary classics read by Cabell and an entire collection of Cabells books.
Cabell was known as "Richmond's Tolkien" and a wrote a series of books based upon a fictional land in medieval France known as "Poictesme (pwa-tem)" The library room also has a collection of Cabell's furniture, writing desk, smoking table, etc.
The amazing thing about this room at the library is students are able to access all of these resources, with supervision, for research. A student can look at and access the private library of James Branch Cabell. Cabell has a collection of books surrounding the occult which I am interested in looking at.
Also the prospect of getting to hold and touch the actual item/artifact is interesting.

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