
Idea: Return to the "Halfway-House"

^^^^^^^^^^View from INSIDE the Halfway-House^^^^^^^^

I must to return to the Halfway-House and photograph the magic.

The Halfway-House sits upon a threshold to the spirit world.
Half-way in this realm and half-way in the other.

Look for:
the spot in the East where the Sun will set over water in the West,
7 concrete foundered ships,
Follow a dirt road to the left and where the road bends find a deer trail.
The deer trail runs along a 25 ft cliff ledge that drops off to the sea.
Follow the obsessive Orange Tape
The Halfway-House is guarded by a thicket of Briars

The Halfway-House sits upon the 25ft sandy cliffside. Half of the house is on the cliff and the other half had fallen into the sea long ago. Sit down upon the floor of the Halfway-House and Look out upon the Sea.

It is a Magic spot-impossible to take a photograph of for the photograph will never capture the truth about the Halfway-House.
Must experience firsthand.
Yet, Ye be Warned, not to let it steal your soul for the view is so enticing a person gets the urge to leap out into the sky, but alas would plumit to their untimely death and the Halfway-House would collect another pony for the pen...

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