
Artist: Tawny Davis

Violence among young people is an aspect of their desire to create. They don’t know how to use their energy creatively so they do the opposite and destroy;

We are constantly being influenced by our surroundings and are also affected by the People in our lives.
My younger sister, Tawny, makes digitally composed collages through photoshop. She is currently a freshman at VCU in hopes of beginning AFO in the fall with a goal of becoming a Graphic Designer.
Tawny attended the Shenandoah Valley Regional Governor School concentrating in Visual Arts while in High School, as did myself. Her dream job would be designing graphics for Volcom. She enjoys making collages for her friends daily.

The collages are playful, colorful, energetic, but upon closer inspection there are often undertones of metaphor and symbolism. The collages range from intricate to busy and simple to complex.
Tawny's method is to not think, but to begin. She takes a suggestion/idea and just lets the artwork develop/process while maintaining an aesthetic quality/"personal style" within the piece. There is also a strong narrative sense to the works because as children, we were often told stories.


A mock poster possibility for the VCU Photo Senior Show 2010

Too Late to Die Young

I cant change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination

not only are you doomed but so is everyone else you have touched

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