
Idea: A Portrait

Below is a 120mm image I took of three friends of mine; Claire, Aimee, Jordan-in that order.
I've known Claire and Jordan since Middle School and both decided to attend VCU as well. Aimee, was the very first person I met upon my arrival during orientation for AFO. I was the one responsible for introducing Aimee to everyone. Aimee and I like to joke that it was destiny that we were to be friends. The girls have lived together since sophomore year and have become a family within themselves. Those three girls mean a lot to me, so naturally, I wanted to take a simple portrait of them. This image was taken Junior year sometime I can't remember specifically. It was a darkroom print which was scanned in to be digitalized, hence the dust, which I really like dust on my images so Thank You very much. The dust did happen to be the fault of the enlarger I was using which was in the dark far side of the darkroom. I grew up in a dusty old farm house, and my parents work in produce, there was dust everywhere, all the time. I also think the dust compliments the black and white image giving it an antiquated feeling. However, i do not want dust on all my images, but it seemed to compliment this one.

Clamdan, 2008

What I want to concentrate on this final semester is capturing "Honesty" through portraiture using my 4x5 camera.

This weekend my "older" niece, is moving away to Florida to start a new career. We are all happy for her, but it is bitter sweet. Her mother, my half-sister, is coming in from Norfolk to say goodbye. My younger niece will remain here in RVA. Those three ladies I have known my whole life, yet we were often estranged due to "symbolic mountains."
Destiny brought us all to Richmond, which allowed us to reconnect and know each other like never before. My sophomore year I lived with my older niece and a year later, my 1/2 sister and younger niece followed.
This weekend I want to take a "mother and daughters" portrait using my 4x5 camera. I want the composition to be off balanced, using an old technique where each head is at a different height within the frame. I will be shooting in color film.

My goal is to capture "honesty" through the lens of a 4x5, but I also want each photograph to commemorate a metaphorical mile-marker within the life of the subject(s) within each photograph.

The mile-marker in this portrait should be obvious.
Working titles: Three Forks? Seperate Ways? Three Goodbyes?...something along those lines.

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