
"The Knights Dream" by Antonio de Pereda

I go through periods of dreaming like tides being pulled by the moon. Perhaps the moon controls my dreaming schedule affecting the neurological sparks in my brain as well?  
I used to not be able to recall my dreams the next day, unless it was for some unknown reason I carried them through the day.  Lately they have been following me all day long in my thoughts distracting me.  Not only will I remember a specific dream, but all parts of the many dreams throughout the night.  

Vividly recalled dreams mostly occur during REM sleep
REM sleep in adult humans typically occupies 20–25% of total sleep, about 90–120 minutes of a night's sleep. During a normal night of sleep, humans usually experience about four or five periods of REM sleep and they are quite short at the beginning of the night and longer toward the end.  Each individual dream typically lasts 5-20 minutes.  
So an epic dream may only consist of about 20 minutes in length.  
I have noticed that my dreams tend to lead into one another kind of like a fade technique in a film or the dream will just shift into a new one.  I am reminded of Alice and Wonderland and  how her adventures lead into one another.  
Usually before waking one enters into a  short period non-REM state of rest, however if one is sleep deprived they may have REM sleep until waking.  If I am waking directly from REM sleep than I cannot have time to forget the dreams in the short period of non-REM.  
Here's the catch...
I am not sleep deprived.  I am getting on average 12 hours of sleep a night.  I toss and turn frequently through the night? 
There was an article on recurring dreams and frequent dreams being related to post-traumatic stress disorder.  

My dreams from over the summer up until now have been littered with recurrent themes and symbols.  

I plan on using these same symbols in my works.  My goal is that by culminating my dreams into physicality through artwork that I can piece the clues together to figure out the paths into the parallel universes in the mind.  Create realizations into what makes me tick and perhaps others will be able to identify with the work personally leading them somewhere.  Perhaps I could unlock hidden psychic powers, or if im not careful become schizo, just kidding.

IDEA: What if I interviewed other people? got their dreams down on paper, used their symbols, and themes and created a narrative that concluded their dream into physicality thus introducing strangers to the dreams of others?

1 comment:

  1. There is an interesting podcast that you should look up about controlling your dreams (or lucid dreaming) AND it's free! It's called "Can you control your dreams?" by Stuff You Should Know. They also have a blog they keep online that you can look up that has even more information than their podcast. Apparently there are ways you can teach yourself to control your dream.

    I think your idea could get really interesting, especially focusing it on other people and their dreams. Some dreams can be so hard to explain after you have experienced them and trying to get someone else to understand them can sometimes be almost impossible! Your interpretation of their most vivid dream experiences could morph into a crazy concept in itself. I say go for it!
